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kelsey sharpless counselling virtual masterclass

Virtual Masterclasses

Is your 6 to 12 year old struggling with school?

Are you wondering as a parent...

If they are:

  • Getting good quality sleep

  • Struggling with their mental health

How to:

  • Handle screen time

  • Deal with homework battles

  • Approach bullying situations

  • Learn to manage their big emotions

Caregiver Survival Guide: Supporting Your Elementary Aged Child Through School

Supporting your Elementary-aged child through School

In this Masterclass, you will come away with evidence-based, attachment-focused information and useful strategies to help you as a caregiver make decisions to help your child with developmentally normal, but challenging, childhood struggles and feel more success as a parent.

For $18, you will get a 1.5 hour Masterclass, parenting resources and hand-outs, recommendations for further learning and an optional 15-minute consultation call with each of the presenters.

Caregiver Survival Guide Testimonials

The Caregiver Survival Masterclass was exactly what our family had been seeking. Our family has always done our research when it comes to best parenting practices but we found there was just too much information and it was confusing trying to decipher which methods to use and how many to implement. The Caregiver Survival Masterclass gave us clear and concise guidelines to implement into our family immediately and Kelsey and Joelle did a great job of not adding unnecessary fluff to their presentation. The connection from sleep to screen time behaviours was information most of us are aware of but seeing the facts and numbers helped to drive the idea home. I would recommend this class to any caregiver, whether they are currently struggling with sleep or screen or behaviours, the information is key to the success as our children grow.

- Kirstley F.

Promoting Wellness In The Workspace

Kelsey Sharpless (Registered Social Worker & Psychotherapist) & Joelle Hill (CBT-I-trained Sleep Consultant) have been partnering since 2021 to offer psychoeducational presentations, workshops and masterclasses in our local community & virtually.

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Wellness in the Workplace Testimonials

[What I liked about the presentation] “Kelsey's powerful but gentle use of words as she presented - explanations of the different CBT DBT etc... Really enjoyed the Body scan. Joelle was informative outlining sleep, so much more to it than I ever realized!”

mental health in the workplace

What We've Offered In The Past

Here is a list of our offerings that we have delivered to various local groups in the past including our local hospital, Chamber of Commerce and retirement homes:

  • Mental Health and Sleep: Promoting Wellness in the Workplace

  • Mental Health and Sleep for Aging Adults

  • Back to School Preparation for Elementary-Aged Children

If you are interested in booking us for a presentation or workshop, please click here to contact us!

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