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kelsey sharpless counselling virtual masterclass

Virtual Masterclasses

Is your 6 to 12 year old struggling with school?

Are you wondering as a parent...

If they are:

  • Getting good quality sleep

  • Struggling with their mental health

How to:

  • Handle screen time

  • Deal with homework battles

  • Approach bullying situations

  • Learn to manage their big emotions

Caregiver Survival Guide: Supporting Your Elementary Aged Child Through School

Supporting your Elementary-aged child through School

In this Masterclass, you will come away with evidence-based, attachment-focused information and useful strategies to help you as a caregiver make decisions to help your child with developmentally normal, but challenging, childhood struggles and feel more success as a parent.

For $18, you will get a 1.5 hour Masterclass, parenting resources and hand-outs, recommendations for further learning and an optional 15-minute consultation call with each of the presenters.

Promoting Wellness In The Workspace

Kelsey Sharpless (Registered Social Worker & Psychotherapist) & Joelle Hill (CBT-I-trained Sleep Consultant) have been partnering since 2021 to offer psychoeducational presentations, workshops and masterclasses in our local community & virtually.

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Wellness in the Workplace Testimonials

[What I liked about the presentation] “Kelsey's powerful but gentle use of words as she presented - explanations of the different CBT DBT etc... Really enjoyed the Body scan. Joelle was informative outlining sleep, so much more to it than I ever realized!”

mental health in the workplace

What We've Offered In The Past

Here is a list of our offerings that we have delivered to various local groups in the past including our local hospital, Chamber of Commerce and retirement homes:

  • Mental Health and Sleep: Promoting Wellness in the Workplace

  • Mental Health and Sleep for Aging Adults

  • Back to School Preparation for Elementary-Aged Children

If you are interested in booking us for a presentation or workshop, please click here to contact us!

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